Ask our AI now!
Explore our services to enhance your supply chain management. Our AI chat is ready to answer your questions on supply chain health.
Creator Connect originally started their journey to heal our planet through art and after a few thousand creations, we realized that many of the negative climate decisions made are done at the design and procurement stages. We quickly began to create a solution to properly educate our clients and others on how we can use the power of AI to choose resources that are sustainable and make economic sense. We now utilize our AI bot to take data on millions of parameters to help our clients get an advantage on their investments and projects. We call it DEGS. (Decentralized and Environmental grading system)
Why you should use an AI consultant?
Our AI bot evaluates the supply chain process of any company that is on Google maps by linking public data sources. It then provides an adjustable score for the company, and starts giving transformative environmental(Net-zero) and economic recommendations to the business, organization and/or policymaker(s). We then use this data to help our clients make key decisions on the resources they use to produce their good or service.

Custom Data Reporting
Work with a strategy consultant 1 on 1 to create the perfect data model that fits your goals.
Disaster resilience risk analysis
Tackling Climate Change
Improving environmental sustainability
Evaluating suppliers with your supply chain process.
Perfect for the private and public sector.
Deal Evaluation
Curious to know if your potential investment meets your current safe guards or climate goals?
Start analyzing your projects at the investment stage.
Ask your consultant to evaluate the contract or project specification for you with our Ai technology.
Quickly identify any compliance issues.
Improve your resource selection during the procurement stages by quickly gathering the resources needed to produce good or service.
Perfect for the private and public sector.

Sign up for your first virtual appointment to be evaluated.