Creator Connect
Reasons for regulations, laws and decentralized grading systems to increase ethics, improve environmental health and protect democracy.
Creating a decentralized grading system in order to properly evaluate and educate; people, companies and government on how (3rd party resources) affect digital assets, connection and communication.
Creating laws, regulations and organizations to protect startups transacting with big tech platform.
Enhancing parental control options to protect children.
In short: how decentralized is your company on a scale of 0-100?
Implementing clean energy color grading system.
How and Why they should be evaluated listed below. Solutions provided as well.
By: Donnavan Kirk
Creator Connect Lead
Power Source
Energy Companies
When a company creates a digital asset and begins to transact, connect and communicate with people and companies they should be forced to tell users the type of energy source(s) they use to power their company.
If an investor buys a crypto from a company that is operating on a public power grid the buyer should know that it is no longer fully decentralized. The uptime of the website/app is not dependent upon several local owners, authorities and/or offices within their team or network. Their company is dependent upon a 3rd party source that is not operating within their local team or network.
Continuing to allow buyers and companies to not know the power source of the digital assets they are engaging with decreases the ability for a buyer to evaluate the non local authority that may effect the company they are investing: time and currency in. Therefore allowing the company to grow and expand without making their users knowledgeable about the outside authorities that could effect the trajectory of the digital asset which ultimately ends up affecting pricing and their life.
Forcing companies to define their power source and how the power is generated.
Meter reports
Color Key: Coal, Hydro, Solar, Wind (Scale from Bad to Good environmental Energy)
Creating an organization that constantly grades their power sources based on uptime and price fluctuations.
Current news example:
Data Center
Cloud Computing Services
When a company creates a digital asset and begins to transact, connect and communicate with people and companies they should tell users where their data is being stored and how it is managed.
If an investors buys a crypto and their information is stored in the cloud server (AWS, google cloud) the buyer should know that it is no longer decentralized. The uptime of their website/app and currency is not dependent upon several local owners, authorities and/or offices with in their network. The company is dependent on their 3rd party host which is operating outside of their local authority.
Allowing buyers to not know where the digital asset is stored, grounded and supported disrupts the communication and ability to grade who is managing their data.
Does not allow users to evaluate the third party source if privacy issues take place.
This is extremely dangerous because AWS is managing many startups data and information.
Name where their data is stored.
Who has access to their data?
How their data is shared?
Profit made off of their data.
Name the power source supporting the data.
Does the data center collect bank account information and balance of the company?
Creating an organization that constantly grades the data center based on uptime and price fluctuations.
Current news: See exhibit 1 for live example.
Local Networks
Wireless Carriers.
When a company creates a digital asset and begins to transact, connect and communicate with people and companies they should tell users if they can still access their digital asset without internet or cables services.
Does the currency have a Local network that their device can communicate with? Example: Disney “Watch/Wrist Band” does not need an outside phone service or internet service to connect, communicate or transact with it.
If an investors buys a crypto and they can only access their digital asset through a paid phone or Internet services it is no longer a fully decentralized platform because their buyer/users including their company is reliant upon outside authorities that are not with in their local team.
Allowing buyers to buy crypto from companies that do not have their own network will disrupt the ability to evaluate the outside factors that could effect the trajectory of their digital asset and the ability to use it in the physical realm.
Does the company have a Local Network?
Does the company have an international network?
What determines the price to use the network?
Will it effect my investment?
Does Local/International networks have the ability to block the companies digital asset?
Creating an organization that constantly grades the network based on uptime and price fluctuations.
Devices and OS
Cellphone, Smartphones, Tablets, Etc
When a company creates a digital asset and begins to transact, connect and communicate with people and companies they should tell users if they offer a mobile device or plan to offer a mobile device with their operating system.
If an investors buys a crypto and they can only access their digital asset through a 3rd party device it is no longer a fully decentralized platform because their buyer/users including their business entity is reliant upon outside authorities that are not with in their local team.
When a company creates a digital asset if they are at the mercy of the 3rd party device they are moving at the pace of the operating system ran on the device. This can drastically effect the trajectory of the digital asset.
Force the company to reveal what devices their digital asset can be ran on.
Force the company to admit to users if their digital asset can be shut down or slowed down by outside authorities.
Current news
Connecting and Communication Platforms
Creator Connect, FB, Instagram
When a company creates a digital platform that allows people too transact, connect and communicate with each other all tactics used to encourage the users to stay engaged on their platform should be revealed. (Dopamine tactics, psychological and physical effects in comparison to time engaged)
Adding Parental Controls
Example. 1
Social platforms must create a document that allows parents, educators and policy makers the ability to learn how algorithms are affecting users (Children, Teens, Adult and Seniors). In order to educate users on how to manage their social media use and understand how it is effecting their individual personality.
Example 2.
If a user is under the age of 12 before any outside entity can engage (comment on a post, like and all forms of communication ) with their device or social account they should be forced to do a facial recognition scan before doing so.
Currently we have no way of implementing into our education system ways we can teach our children how to protect and manage themselves in the tech era.
Currently just anyone can engage with minors on the internet without showing themselves. It is important that we know who is communicating with our children.
Create a facial recognition option for minors using tech that gives parents the option of seeing who is engaging with their children at all times.
Force Social Platforms to explain how their technology effects people.
Current news:
Ad Platforms
FB, Instagram, Google Ads, Etc
When a website and/or app pays to promote their technology or service on other digital ad platforms that profit off of user engagement the analytics must closely mirror their personal analytics platform that the ad platform is portraying.
If a company is flagged a competitor it can result in their ad not being seen at all or false clicks that use up their marketing budget.
1. If a business begins to run an advertisement platform and the engagement it receives does not match the analytics they are receiving from their web provider it could lead to monopolization.
2. Overcharging or price gouging competitors stifles innovation.
3. Stops the word from getting out about new services and technology.
Create an organization that manages digital ad platforms and issue fines if abused.
See Exhibit 2 for live example.
Exhibit 1
AWS Price Fluctuation
As I began to expand Creator Connect I noticed that my server cost would increase for no reason.
I would closely monitor the engagement and expansion and there was no correlation between usage and server/data cost.
- See Screenshots of AWS billing.
Exhibit 2
FB, Instagram, Google Ads, Etc
Facebook analytics does not match google analytics.
I have reason to believe while running an ad for my client Fitness at Your Door the entity was flagged as competitor resulting in their clicks being used up quickly by bots.
See screenshots with customer service and proof of misaligned analytics.
Closing Notes
In order to protect businesses and people it is imperative that they are not alone in sharing with their customers/clients/users the outside local entities they are using that affect their digital assets and their ability to innovate. Often small businesses use 3rd party options for quick and easy deployment but they have become a trap and have caused innovation to stagnate. It is important that an organization is formed that does the work for them and notifies their tribe if any of the tools they are using are flagged for taking advantage of their customers and alters their “decentralized rating”. This will help build a community that is knowledgeable about the issues startups may face that are out of their control in order to find other ways to protect them on their journey.
It would be a great pleasure to spearhead these issues in order to protect startups, make sure innovation and democracy flows.
I would also like to use Creator Connect as a path to forming a healthy network of resources for companies once our renewable energy data center is built.